He moved his crossed elbows from his chest to the middle of the desk and placed his fists close to the edge of the table where I was seated. He pushed his upper body forward closing the distance between us, “I make my own schedule and decide where or when I will work. You. Can’t. Tell. Me. What. To. Do.”
I could feel his hot breath on my face. I had never been confronted by anyone quite like him before. In words or in physicality. It felt uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to be in the same room as him anymore.
While women can rally quickly for causes other than for themselves (like for their children), they generally tend to be more passive about advocating for their own rights.

Women often do not support, empower, or promote other women. Is that because women have less opportunities, or is that because women see everyone as competition?
As a speaker, here is what I focus on:
Learn. Never stop.
Observe. See the facts.
Value. Recognize it.
Empower. Make allies.
All you need is LOVE.
It really doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man.
The approach is the same. It is equal because being female or male does not change the fact of how we (re)act as humans. Gender traits are taught behaviors, thanks to societies, laws, cultures, and religions.
Let’s look at human history where we can learn about women’s rights. (It ain’t “purdy”.)
I invite you to become an observer to witness the daily obstacles women have to overcome in the workplace.
If hard(er) work equals better pay, why are the values different for men and women?
The word empowerment is supposed to be a sign of trust, delegation, and support. It has nothing to do with power.
Are you willing to take an honest look at the past and the present?
And are you ready to shape a better future for all of humanity?
Contact me, and let’s talk.

I get it. The logo is a bit “in your face”. Maybe you’re not sure how to feel about it. Especially when dealing with the public, or with employees, or friends. Now, what?
Think about it. If the logo makes you uncomfortable, then you should really ask yourself,”WHY?” And maybe, just maybe, you have to admit that it’s because you know that label rings true. And who really wants to be the troublemaker? It’s just so much easier to accept things for the way they are.
Change does not happen with silence or compliance to expectations. At least not fast. This logo is a call to action. Why is it a bad word when women had no choice in being defined by it? I encourage you to embrace it. Be proud that there are women in this world. Nothing could happen without them. Let’s define what DICKLESS stands for through our actions.
Okay. I just could not help myself with this one. I laughed out loud the first time I saw it. It is bold and “very” direct. But that’s also the way I embrace my passion for equality.

I knew this could be a turn-off for many. But guess what? I’m not here to please “the many”. I’m here to represent women – those offended by the logo and those who are not. This logo drives the point home which exact male body part women lack. Naturally, it is not my main logo, but it’s a really nice addition to the DICKLESS brand family, and I’m sure that there are those out there who will fully embrace the funny bluntness.
Worried about which dickless shows up to speak?
Don’t be. While I’m direct and, at times, blunt, that doesn’t mean that I’m offensive. Actually, you would be surprised by my honesty and vulnerability. I’m relatable; I’m every woman. And I am NOT a man hater.
I focus on awareness. I focus on strengths. I encourage support, confidence, and empowerment. None of that is assignable to just one gender. Because as mentioned above, gender differences are taught behaviors. But human behavior and emotions equally belong to human beings, and last I checked, females and males are part of that species.
Try me out. Worst case, you will give everyone something to talk about while also increasing awareness. Not to mention, getting admiration for being the new trailblazers for being “brave” enough to venture into the world of the DICKLESS.