Who am I?

I am not going to bore you with my entire life story. If you want to know that much detail, you can read my memoir.
But I’m sure you want to know more than the obligatory, “Why am I doing this?” Let me try: I grew up in rural Germany, in what I think was one of the best time periods ever: the 80s. While I had very strict parents, they did not micromanage, and I got to spend the majority of my free time outside with my friends (or animals, which—at times—I preferred).
At the naive age of 18, I married an American soldier stationed near my home town, and I immigrated to the United States. Life in the New World was difficult, seeing that I had married someone who preferred beer over anything (or anyone). The nearest decent job for my international skillset turned out to be fifty miles away, but in a nutshell, it enabled me to break free from an unhealthy marriage, and it provided enough income to move to another state. I focused on my career, ultimately working my way up from an administrative support position into operations management.
This is where we get to the “WHY.” In my 25+ years in corporate America, I was involved in automotive, printing, self-adhesive labels, non-wovens, electronics, and building materials manufacturing. I wrote incredible emails and reports. Whatever I wrote, never had much of an impact. That bothered me! The industries I worked in were all dominated by men. At meetings, trade shows, and conventions, I had a hard time finding another woman in management. Typically when I did, I had an even harder time connecting with her on an emotionally honest level. That bothered me even more!
Tired of my own acceptance of the way things have been, I wondered:
How can I make things better for women?
And most importantly: How can I make a change fast? What did I have going for me?
The answers were amazingly simple:
I was an expert at being a woman. I’ve had my share of ups and downs. I was alive and healthy. I could write a book most women could relate to. I would start with: Awareness!
Awareness is the most important factor when deciding what to do next. Without it, everything remains stuck. I quit my corporate job in 2018 and started to write my first book about women’s struggles: DICKOTOMY, A Dickless Memoir. The book was published in February of 2020. Check out my Author‘s page for more info on the book.
I’m currently busy with many things: reading, writing, plotting, and connecting with those who want to make a difference in this world.
If you support the women’s movement, please feel free to connect with me via my Contact page, or click on the links in the footer for my social media sites.